How can I improve my writing skills?

Hello, my name is Jsovirall, I will be your teacher today. Today I am going to teach you some techniques that you can use to improve your writing skills. Before I do, I want you to understand what "Skill" and "Writing" are.

Skill: This is the ability to do something well. In this case, I am going to teach you progressive techniques to improve your writing.

Writing: This is the process of utilizing symbols, letters, spaces, and punctuations to express thoughts in a readable format.

Now, it is time to teach you a few techniques that I personally use.

The Sketch Method

Many people don't spend time creating a proper sketch of what they are going to write about. What is a sketch? In writing, a sketch is referred to as writing ideas, important points, and asking questions as it relates to the topic that a person is going to write about. While many people turn a blind eye to a sketch it is very important in improving your writing skills. A simple sketch gives you an outline of what exactly you are going to write about and acts as a guide.

Example of sketch

Vector graphic of girl seated while she is on her phone with her grey cat beside her. Hicorah blog.

Let's say I want to write a blog post about my day at the beach but I don't know how to write it. I have a few ideas but I can't start writing the post because I am confused. Let us start by writing our thoughts, ideas, descriptions, etc.

The day is sunny

I am relaxing on the sand

Many people are at the beach or very few people.

Title suggestion of Blog post: Living single, My day at the beach as a single mom, I just feel like writing, Enjoying nature.

What exactly am I going to write about? (These are some thoughts I am having.) I am wearing a blue bikini suit. My feet are in the sand. I am drinking a glass of red wine. I want to make my blog post interesting.

The sea is calm and beautiful

The day is windy

I want to go for a swim. The water is warm.

We have now created a simple sketch but we are still having a problem starting to write. No problem because we are going to work on that. When I was going to school I use to tell my English teacher that I didn't know how to do what she was teaching and often times that would cause issues. It was as if I was insulting her educational level. Honestly, I wasn't. I just didn't know what she wanted me to do so I started building methods and techniques for how to improve my writing skills and now I am capable of teaching them to you. Every technique that is written about I created to improve my skills.

The Brush Method

This method is simply combining most of the details in the sketch to create a starting point while adding some words to it. We are going to work on our silly sketch and develop it. Don't hate what you write in your sketch. It can be very helpful. I am going to copy and paste most of the details from the sketch that I think will be helpful. I am going to choose a title during this brushing process.

  • The day is sunny
  • I am relaxing on the sand
  • Many people are at the beach or very few people.
  • Title suggestion of Blog post: My day at the beach as a single mom (I like this title so I am going to go with it)
  • What exactly am I going to write about? I am wearing a blue bikini suit. My feet are in the sand. I am drinking a glass of red wine.
  • The sea is calm and beautiful
  • The day is windy
  • I want to go for a swim. The water is warm.

I have taken most of the details from the sketch. It is now time for the brushing method.

The example of the brush method

Happy girl at the beach jumping. She is in white tank top with ink designs and a mini jeans shorts.

Today I am at the beach because I feel like enjoying what nature has to offer. I love the atmosphere of the beach. The day is sunny and windy. The winds continually hug my body as I stare at the calm beautiful blue sea.

I think I am going to relax on the soft sand today and drink some of my red wine. Oh yes, I am having a single mother's celebration day today at the beach with myself. After all, a woman has to have some alone time. I take my beach towel out of the car, spread it evenly on the sand, set up my mini-makeshift table, put my red wine in a bucket of ice for it to become chill and then I take out my wine glass. Let me tell you something, today is my day to relax and nothing is going to stop me.

I lie on the beach towel and put my feet in the sand. It felt so cool and soft. Few people were at the beach. I preferred it that way. Now, I want to go for a swim. I run toward the water, walk about ten feet out, and started swimming in the sea of freedom. The water feels so warm and refreshing. My blue bikini suit glitter like a blueish fish moving in the water. I have gotten the attention of two handsome men but today is my day.

I finish swimming now and it is time for some of the lovely red wine that awaited my touch. I sit on the beach towel, open the red wine bottle, and poured myself a glass of it. It tastes delicious. My body needed it.

I used the brush method and created a better flow of words by combining the details from the sketch I did. Now it is time for the third method.

Add and proofreading method

In this method, you will add more to your story by creating clear thoughts and using sub-headings to make the reading process easier. You don't want your paragraphs to be too long. After you Add then you proofread your work.

We have already created a starting point by using the Sketch and the Brush method. Before, we didn't have a clue what we were going to write about but when we created the sketch we had a better understanding of what we might write about.

During the Brush Method, we took an extra step by combining most of the details from the Sketch while we add words to create a starting point.

Now you have learned three easy techniques that will improve your writing skills.

  1. The Sketch Method
  2. The Brush Method
  3. Add and Proofreading method

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