How do you know if you are good at writing

Once you start to write easier without thinking too much then you are getting better at writing. Before, if you have noticed that you used to struggle in certain areas in writing then you can say that your writing has improved if you are not struggling in the areas you used to struggle in.

If you can write anything without thinking too much then you know you are a progressive writer. 

How to test if you are good at writing?

Let us write about something. I am going to start and you read along. I am just going to write.

  • Something

Today I am at the bus station and many people are staring at me while I am typing on my laptop. A woman in a red dress with a scarf around her neck keeps giving me piercing eyes. Her nails are long and white. She is playing an android game on her phone because she keeps getting upset whenever she loses. An old man is seated beside me. He keeps falling asleep. I don't think he can hear me now because he is busy snoring. 

The Test review

If I was not progressive at writing then definitely I wouldn't be so quick to start writing. Many people have difficulties when it comes to starting writing. As you have read, I was writing about what I saw. I even gave a description. I was just writing accordingly while keeping a story-type narrative tone. I was descriptive and genuine. Generally, I was just putting my thoughts together clearly. For beginners, this would be hard and confusing as they write because they are trying to find the right words and the right tone. I didn't struggle with that.

Now I am going to write something stupid to test my writing skills. Let's call this "I am stupid" You can call it whatever you want. This is not to offend anyone this is just used as an example. 

  • I am stupid

I can't believe it. I was in the elevator and everyone was on their phones. Man, I don't think I can hold it any longer. I can feel it trying to come out. Here it comes, POW! Everyone put their hands up as they stared at me. They couldn't believe that I farted so loud. They started coughing as they inhale the toxic waste from my body. 

"Man, how long have you been holding that fart? You almost gave me a heart attack. You need to see the doctor and get some stitches because I know that hole is burst." A man said. I felt so embarrassed. I am stupid because I farted.

The 2nd Test review

In the short scenario above I wrote about a fictional story of myself passing gas in an elevator. I even added exaggerated expressions by using a man that was in the elevator. It is a funny scenario. Did I struggle to write it? No, I just wrote it. So that proves that I am a progressive writer. The reason why I don't use the term good is that writers always enhance their writing skills. They always learn. 

If you want to know if you are good at writing do the following

  • Use a stopwatch to test your timing as to how long you take to answer a question or ponder about it
  • If you struggle to start writing then practice writing more
  • If you write without thinking too much then you are a progressive writer
  • If you research to improve your writing then you are  a progressive writer
  • If you write without having a headache that's a good sign of being a good writer

Always remember to be good is always to be limited but to be progressive is better because you always learn. Recommend the Hicorah blog to your friends. Share this blog post if you found it educational. 


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