How does writing helps you (Author explains)

Hi, my name is Jsovirall and I will share my personal experience of how writing helped me. Many people have their answers providing a scientific reason as to why and how writing helps someone but in this explanation, I will be providing a genuine answer to appeal to a general audience. 

I have been writing for more than fifteen years. I have had finger injuries and dislocated two of my fingers. My fingers were set back but they weren't working as how they usually should. I had trouble moving them. It was difficult typing and doing handwriting. However, after investing my time to type every day and also writing with my hand I have noticed that the pain I felt in my fingers was not so painful anymore. My fingers became stronger and my wrists also. Writing in a book trained the mobility of my wrist which was good. Before my wrists weren't so flexible but after two weeks it was.

After six months of hard training, every day with dedication, the pain in my fingers was gone and I could move my dislocated fingers better. It was amazing progress to finally feel my fingers working as they should.

What are some of the benefits of writing

According to my experience writing has helped me in the following ways

  • I improve my critical thinking (I wanted to write faster and think faster but I was having problems when it comes to thinking. As I continued to train months turned into years and years turned into improvement. I could think faster. I didn't have a problem writing a story. I just start writing it.)
  • I improve my imagination (When you are writing every day it becomes a part of you. You start to build ideas and ideas become imagination and imagination becomes similar to a movie. It is like you are watching a movie in your head as you type or before you type. It develops your inner flow of words.)
  • I type faster
  • I have lighter fingers because my fingers are continually training.
  • My mind is free and I build ideas faster
  • I learn many words and expand my vocabulary
  • Writing helps you to be more organized and descriptive
  • I develop summary writing skills, article skills, and how to answer questions better, and more.

This was how writing helped me and I am proud to be a writer.

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