How to become a writer for beginners (the 4 step method)

In this lesson, you will learn the four important methods of becoming a writer for beginners. Let's begin.

1) Reading

How does reading help you?

By reading you develop your word usage skills and copy the methods that have already been used. You also expand your vocabulary and learn grammar. Yes, you do. When we read our minds get used to punctuation marks, usage of words, and flow of words. Reading helps us to copy the writing technique used but at the end of the day, you are going to want to start writing. Reading regular helps to build writing confidence and imagination which is necessary for writing. 

2) The Copycat Method

The reason why this method is talked about is that it is mainly used by many people when it comes to writing. Learning to copy someone’s else style and using it to his/her advantage is creative. The person can then utilize what they have seen and make something from it.

Even though it is called copying, individuals learn during the process to write according to what they have seen. It helps them to structure their topic. It is a self-learning process that makes the person starts to write on their own. This is a very good method when it comes to writing. An individual can focus more on what they are doing, not what others want them to do.

Note: Many people are suffering from information overload because they don't get a reasonable explanation to help themselves. Instead, they are told to read this book and learn to write for beginners and when they are finished reading the book they have not learned a single thing. They can't even tell you what they have read about and that becomes a problem in self-learning. It becomes a frustration. You are told to do this and that. On Hicorah every lesson is taught simply. Let us move on to method three.

3) The Writing Method

By writing every day you build your confidence level. Many people don't know what to write about and that is where the copycat method comes into play. While it is ideal to write every day to become a better writer, beginners must develop the necessary skills for themselves to find something to write about. They must challenge themselves. The copycat method is a good way to combine the writing method to write daily to improve understanding, starting point, creative writing, and challenge. The starting point is starting a topic in writing. Many beginners have problems when it comes to starting writing. The copycat method will improve this doubtful part of an individual.

4) Imagination

Imagination is one of the most important techniques when it comes to writing a fiction story, especially fantasy. However, it can be used to create ideas, topics, and so on. Beginners must learn to imagine.

How do beginners train their imagination?

Watching movies especially horror. The reason for this is that horror will be remembered easily because it is scary. It strikes fear within an individual. However, space and beach seem to have a comforting imaginative component when it comes to writing even the sky. Horror has a strong reference point. For children, animation and cartoons build on their imagination. Kids are very good when it comes to animating objects within their minds. Their imaginative skills are through the roof. You can ask your children to help with your imagination by asking a question or showing them an object. They will react to the one that has more interest to them.

Meditation helps to relax the mind. If your mind is troubled your imagination will be troubled also. If you are angry you start to use your imagination right away to think of doing something bad. You can use that negative flow in your writing to create a story scene. Triggered emotions bring about imagination.

Now you have learned four vital methods to start writing. The rest you will learn on your own as you develop your creative writing style.

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