How to write a short story 7 steps (Writing tips)

It doesn't matter if a story is long or short there is one thing that every story has in common despite its genre.

The idea

The starting point

The act

Point of resolution

The ending (The ending can be subdivided into two sections "Suspenseful ending" or "Resolved ending." The suspenseful ending always promotes a continuation point of a story. It prompts readers to expect something else will happen. However, a resolved ending informs readers the story has come to an end. 



With all of these elements in mind, a story becomes developed accordingly to a writer's viewpoint. Before I explain what a short story is I am going to explain the 7 elements.

The Idea

Let us define what an idea is. An idea is a suggestive concept of a person's viewpoint that can be developed into a product, a story, an invention, etc. With every idea, there is always an aim to develop it and make it better. In this case, we are talking about a "Short story." 

Here are some ideas that I have for a short story, Wallis the seer, Everyone knows, They saw us, etc. I can expand on those ideas and develop them. Writing a short story is the same as writing a novel. The only difference is, is that you put more effort into the novel by stretching your story. Unlike a short story, you just keep it short. Let us move on to our next element.

The starting point

A starting point is simply the beginning of a story. It is going to be the first impression of your story. Every story has a starting point whether it is short or long. A starting point is a must. You have to start the story to finish it. I had some ideas for a short story I have mentioned above. Now, I am going to choose a name and I have chosen "They saw us."

  • How am I going to expand on my idea?

Well, we can start by doing a sketch (This is simply writing some ideas that you would like to be a part of your story. This will help with your starting point) Always remember that you are keeping the story short as you are writing a short story.

A short story should be entertaining and easy to read. You want to keep your readers engaged at all times.

  • The sketch example

Title of the short story: They saw us

Characters: Leena and Derick

Main scene: Derick's house and Leena's house

Minor scene: On the street

What is Leena and Derick's story? They are friends that became lovers. 

Enemies: John is Derick's enemy

Reason: John and Leena used to be in a relationship

What is John's role? He will make Derick jealous and torment him.

Who is Leena's enemy: Derick's best friend Moses. He loves Leena.

Reason: Leena got drunk and kissed Moses while she was at a party

Does Leena still have a soft spot for John? Yes, she does. She wants to give him a second chance but she is afraid that she might hurt Derick.

What is Derick going to do when he finds out Leena still has feelings for John? He is going to leave the house and stay at his place.

What is “They saw us about”? It is 3 guys fighting over a girl they love

How will you start the story? Derick is going to go to Leena's place and then he is going to see John in Leena's room. He is going to run out of the house because he thought they were involved in an adult play. Leena is going to chase Derick and then John is going to intervene. Derick and John will start fighting.

What is the ending of the story? Leena is going to be single but she is going to make it up to Derick.

Okay, I have created a sketch template and now I am going to move on to the act.

What is the Act?

The act is a compilation of a scene, characters, and conflict points. With that in mind, we are going to commence our starting point

  • The starting point: "They saw us"

Leena was in her room talking to her ex-boyfriend John. He was a stuntman. His hair was short and he had a goat beard. He wanted to apologize to Leena for what he did to her. Linda was just a one-night stand as he explained to her. He tried to touch her and she shoved him. She was confused because she loved Derick but at the same time, she wanted to be with John.

"I am not perfect Leena, you know that. I just want you back. I will do anything to get you back." John said.

"I don't know what to think, John. I am confused. I need some time. I love Derick and he is such a good guy but I can't hurt him and at the same time, I don't want you to hurt me again. Just leave."

"Just give me another chance, Leena. I will make it up to you. Derick is not good enough for you. Just give me another chance." John said and embraced his ex-girlfriend. Derick just exited a cab. He walked toward Leena's house. He took out his phone and was about to call her. He tried the front door and it opened. He put his phone into his pocket and entered the house. He closed the front door. John kissed Leena and she told him to stop.

"Get out of my house. I need to think okay!" Leena said. Derick heard her. He knew that she was upstairs in her room. He went upstairs and saw John kissing Leena.

"So it is like that now?" Derick said. Immediately Leena shoves John. Both John and Leena were surprised.

"Bro, we are trying to have a conversation, can you leave please?" John asked Derick. Derick went downstairs and exited the house as fast as he could while Leena chased him. John was behind Leena.

"Derick, stop," Leena approached him, "It's not what you think"

"Isn't that a famous line?" Derick asked with his lips screwed.

"I can explain."

"Just leave me alone," Derick said. John touched Leena and she shoved him. She was angry at him.

"Leena we need to talk," John said.

"We don't have anything to talk about?"

"You told me last night that Derick was too nice for you. You said you would give me another chance and that you wanted to talk. Why are you behaving like this now ugh?"

"Shut up John and stop making things worst. I was drunk okay."

"I have had enough of this. Derick isn't good enough for you and you know it. He is a weirdo. That is why he has a hard time finding a girlfriend."

"What the hell did you just say, bro?" Derick asked.

"I said that you are a weirdo, what are you going to do about it?"

"This" Derick answered and punch John's face. Derick and John started fighting while Leena tried to stop them. She jumped on John's back and told John to leave her boyfriend alone. Derick shoved John to the ground. He took a pistol out of his waist. Before he could aim it at Derick he attacked him. Derick ran because John tried to shoot him. He jumped over a neighbor's fence and ran for his life while John chased him. John couldn't catch him.

As you can see above, I have structured my starting point accordingly to my sketch template making it easier for me to start writing the short story as I have an aim. However, the resolution point and the ending point are not ready because my story has not been developed yet. I just started it. 

  • What is the resolution point?

This is the part of the story when everything is resolved. This is not to be misunderstood by the ending

  • What is the ending?

The ending of the story is when everything has been explained that a writer has written about. 

  • What is re-reading?

This is the process of adding and removing words from our story. As a writer, we can choose to enhance our storyline. We can make it better by re-reading it. We have the opportunity to change the story if we want. It is our choice. 

  • What is polishing?

This is the process of proofreading our work and making our work easily read. In this process, we will again add and remove words and enhance our story. The final changes are done within the polishing process. Now let us define what a short story is.

What is a short story?

A short story is a fully developed storyline (A storyline is what we write about that includes characters, scenes, conflict, resolution point, and plot development) but is known to be shorter when compared to a novel. 

  • The summary

In this lesson, we have learned about 7 steps that we can use to write a short story. The following steps include

  1. The Idea
  2. The starting point
  3. The act
  4. Point of resolution
  5. The ending
  6. Re-reading
  7. Polishing

Utilizing a sketch template is useful for creating a start point for a story as it makes our ideas clearer and organized. It gives us an aim to write better and to know what we are writing about.

We have come to the end of this lesson. Thank you for reading. Do recommend the Hicorah Blog. Share this blog post if you found it helpful.


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