Lissa Harl | short fiction story

Lissa Harl is a short fiction story about a young woman that is frustrated about life. This story is written in the first-person perspective by the author Jsovirall. It portrays a picture of a woman that wants to discover the romantic part of her life but is doubtful about getting hurt. 

The short story: Lissa Harl

Hey, everyone, my name is Lissa harl and I am twenty-nine years old. I hate to be the victim of breakup but what can I say I guess there aren't good men out there again. I don't even know if any still exist. Yesterday love was supposed to be about me but instead, a breakup intervened, and now I am in tears. I am broken up. I can't believe that I love someone that didn't even stop to love me back. I don't know why good women always fall for men that don't want them. I wish I didn't have to love sometimes but it is hard to stare at the moon alone. 

Today it feels like I have a headache the size of a baseball. I have given Carl three years of my life and he betrayed me in an instant. It just took him one day to change his mind without even telling me that he wanted to start a new relationship with someone else. He didn't even care how I feel. He just took his stuff and left.

He didn't even say a word to me. How does he expect me to feel? How does he expect me to move forward in just an instant? I need time to heal. I need time to think. I am afraid of love now. I am even afraid to say the word because it hurt so much. 

If I had someone I could talk to and share my thoughts with it would have been better but even my friends don't like me. They think that they are better than me. I just wish that people would just leave me alone. I wish I could fly and touch the star. I don't know what to do. Life is so hard and yet people say that life is everything. Some people just don't have a conscience. I want to discover the sides of romance in a different light. I want to expose the truth about mixed emotions and understand why people betray people in an instant. Love doesn't have to be distasteful sometimes but some people just don't think. Even when they are old they are still doing the same thing. I just wish that I could find a good man. Someone that understands himself. Someone that appreciates what he has and does not want what someone else has. My definition of love is always being in pain.

I remember when Carl and I were going to the beach last month. He stared at me and said that I had the eyes of a good woman but the reflection of a stupid man. I didn't understand what he was saying but now I know what he meant. He was trying to tell me that he wanted our relationship to be over. I love him so much and now I have to move on.

How stupid I was. I loved Carl more than I loved myself. I gave him everything and now he just disappeared within one day. How does he feel to be the one to hurt me? I bet he doesn't feel anything because he is getting exactly what he wants. However, I am the one that is hurting by the minute. I can't even eat. I can't even think. I just can't do anything. I am a hurt woman. I just have to move on. I am not happy with what he did but it is what it is.

For all the good women out there that have been hurt I just want to say that I have been hurt also. I just want to say that you can push forward. You can do this. You lose to gain. You make mistakes to be better. You get stronger when you are broken. We have to move one. Let it go. You have to let it go. If you don’t you are always going to be hurt. Let it go and move on. 

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