Mothers day poem| Lelorah Short story

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction written by Jsovirall to give tribute to mothers. It includes a short story and a poem for mothers. All the names of places, names of characters, and lists of events are thoughts of the writer's imagination.

Lelorah: Short Story

For years Lelorah has been a mascot when it comes to symbolizing the hardship of mothers and love for their children. Lelorah is said to be an ancient spirit that appears underneath the full moon once every two hundred years on May 9 or 10 when it is mother's day. Mothers from every country would stare at the full moon during May to honor Lelorah. A woman that has been a mother to all. In ancient times, Lelorah was praised and worshipped by many tribes. According to the ancient drawings of the Giluteen tribe, Archaeologist Marie Lanford from south Africa speculated that Lelorah was once human but she transformed into a goddess when she lost her three daughters to Henry Bitterman's Knights. Henry Bitterman was a British explorer that wanted to be the first to discover the land from which Lelorah came from. The land was called Sidius. Sidius was the name of a mythical creature that lived in the clouds. It had three heads and two pairs of legs. Its appearance was that of fog. 

On the night Lelorah was transformed the moon was bright upon the land. After Henry Bitterman and his knights killed many of the tribes that lived on the land of Sidius, Mr. Bitterman was ready to pierce Lelorah's flesh with his cold blade in the sacred temple of Muz. Lelorah was praying to Soviath, god of many sides after she witnessed the death of her three daughters. Hemran, Leham, and Sethan. She became fearful but she was more than willing to become a true believer of Soviath. She has done good deeds in her life even though her husband was a wicked King. Lelorah husband's name was Viclanzutt. He was the King of the East of Sidus called Brecam. He was the one that told Mr. Bitterman about her whereabouts.

Painting of a merciless knight with a sword holding onto a woman's golden shoulder length hair. Woman clasped her hand in a praying manner as she stares at the knight with a frightened look on her face. This painting depicts murder. However, the story Lelorah is about a goddess who died by the blade of a knight known as Henry Bitterman. Lelorah is recognized as a good mother and woman. This fiction story is a tribute for mothers. It also contains a poem for mothers.

Henry Bitterman laughed and mocked Lelorah as she prayed. She was in a white dress. Mr. Bitterman grasped Lelorah's golden hair with his left hand and struck her with his right hand. His blade went into her throat. Mr. Bitterman murdered Lelorah--a good woman of Sidius. Mr. Bitterman and his men rejoiced in their victory of blood and wickedness. They were eager to see Sidius--the mythical creature they all read about but they never did. After Mr. Bitterman and his knight left the sacred temple of Brecam they visited Viclanzutt. He gave Mr. Bitterman ten pounds of gold and a wooden rod with a blood orb in it. The blood orb contained the blood of Soviath, the god of many sides. The rod was called Blood orb. Mr. Bitterman was proud of his award. He was ready to summon Soviath. Unfortunately, Soviath didn't appear, instead, Lelorah did. Immediately Mr. Bitterman and his men became fearful. They fled from the King's chamber but none of them escaped the wrath of Lelorah. They all vanished in flames. Not even a drop of blood was left behind. Viclanzutt tried to commit suicide but he could not. Soviath cursed him and he became insane. He became a common beggar. Many villagers beat him, mocked, and laughed at him. He had become a disgrace. Lelorah became a goddess and restore the balance on the land of Sidius. She was a good woman and a mother. Whenever a child was abused and mistreated she would punish the person. 

She wrote a poem called "The glass and the Reflection." She read it on the pyramid of Az before she descended the clouds and never to return to Sidius. 

The Glass and the Reflection

In dreams, I have seen the vision enchants

the valleys so deep and rumors of feet

Where love and fellowship starts to haunts

Fathers have yet to understand their cruel beat

While mothers work hard to maintain 

A child's love that's hard to grow and keep

Some fathers play games of trick that's hollow as pain

When the child has grown in their image to reap

Mothers are weeping in years of hardship and nightmares

Love can't be what you expect it to be

But at least some fathers can stand to see their child relentless years

As we mothers have been there to see

Now that our celebration is at hand

Let us stand together as parents and fans

Because now our children have grown to be a woman and man

Let us remember our days as single, not plural we stand.

Happy today, and tomorrow we push forward

That is what being a mother is all about

We don't have time to think backward

but be strong and caring not in doubt

Happy mother's day. Happy we stand.

Happy mother's day. Happy as a clan.

Happy, Oh happy mother's day to all those mothers who have stood their ground.

Lelorah loves you. Happy mother’s day. 

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