Mothers day poem | Mama Africa

Giving tribute to all the mothers of Mama Africa. Jsovirall dedicates this Mothers' day poem to show his appreciation to all the women of hardship and many sacrifices. While life may seem like the best thing there is in this world, wisdom is better because with it you can make the small things matter. Every small idea has a big impact. Growing a child in an environment that seems impossible and walking for miles every day in search of water and food is survival determination. The most amazing thing is even through that hardship mothers and people of mama Africa enjoy the festive traditional dance and culture. It is a way to get by. It is a way to show that the people of Mama Africa are strong.

For years people have been surviving in tears and hardship. While others increase the pressure on our daily lives we still push forward because we know it is important to bring our children up. We have to watch them grow and reach a certain age. Mama Africa still lives and the people of mama Africa still survive. 

Mama Africa "The Poem"

The humming of mighty Africa have echoed in the ears of  every man and woman

Mama Africa has shouted in every hill, valley and the mother clan

Africans unite, we marching out of the bitter land of Babylon

No more will the chains of oppression burden us while we trod our vast sand.

Mothers from every tribe stand up and trod for their rights

We are the people of the mighty clan that walk without sights

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities of dark heights

Mama, African we call upon the spirits of love and many lights

Mothers from the East, the North, the West, and the South

Bestow upon us the love of mama Africa  as we trod out

Up the valley, up the treacherous hills, through war and pass the government's mouth

 Our children must grow, we're must watch them grow as we route

Mercy on the mothers that have food and water. 

Dry tears I cry for their son and daughter

Oh, Mama Africa, I cannot watch while my fellow kind starve and get slaughter

The land of Africa is rich but poor at the alter

Mothers unite and let us see 

Let us watch our child grow and be

Our generations of Mama Africa as we

trod the vast sand of oppression forget about the victory

Bumbayaa, Babylon can hunt us no more

Bumbayaa, happy mothers day my friends at the shore

We live, we die, we struggle, we suffer but not forevermore

Bumbayaa, Mama Africa has opened the door.

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