3 writing tips to improve artistry
Imagination vs Reality
What are some things that you would like to write about and make different and be the author for that specific idea? Is it wrong to say that too often influence affects our true artistry in writing and plot development of our story as it relates to our writing techniques whether it be non-fiction or fiction writing?
In every basic development and story establishment, there is one thing that is always consistent and that is simply the flow. The flow is what connects the author to his artistic writing approach of creating a story to be good. The flow is also what connects the reader to the story. Writing something that is factual is more of a report but writing something that isn’t is progressive writing.
If I were to write a story about a dog that I have then that would be easy because I know my pet but If I were to write about dark matter and how it affects the universe then that would be complicated. Some writing tips would be confusing for this but no worries. It would definitely be complicated.
The main reason is that of confusion and level of understanding. Therefore reality vs imagination would be just the right approach. In addition to this, theoretically creating a version of the visualization of ‘what could’ and ‘what if’ would define the nature of a more constructive writing approach to a complicated explanation.
Here is a sample of a theoretical approach
Even though this is going to be fictional it does make a point. Let’s begin.
Starting point: "dark matter and how it affects the universe ."
According to my knowledge of how the universe works and how dark matter affects it, I cannot say that scientifically that it does and doesn’t affect the universe. Therefore, personally, I can only speculate to some extent that theory would be more of a better approach to justify such a claim or perhaps use as consideration.
Starting point 2: “The theory of my explanation”
My observation is limited but according to my speculation, if dark matter is something that not even scientists can understand I believe that it is something that acts as a certain type of force that creates a type of gravitational pull in a complex chain reaction movement. If the earth rotates then that would only mean that dark matter is acting upon it rather than acting against it. The universe is big and that is evident but I think that dark matter affects the universe in a good way.
Think about the universe as a gap that each planet fits into. Then that would only mean that there is a force keeping those planets in place causing each separate planet to rotate. It is just a force with no capabilities. It's just there.
This was a theory I have written [Written by Jsovirall] when I was ten years old because I have a gift to imagine. My teacher was surprised at how good my theory was so she took my theory for herself and acted like she was the one that wrote it.
Here are to more writing tips for artistry
Writing tips don’t have to be complicated all you need is the flow state that you have to learn for yourself and not by someone else. That is why I wrote this so you can understand the true artistry of writing. I want you to be creative.
Choosing the Starting point of your story
Many times authors and students struggle with the starting point of their stories. They simply don’t know how to write it and start it. I do not go to college but that doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to write. What I am teaching you here you will not learn anywhere else. So, let’s continue.
- How to start a story
- How to stop a story
- And how to start it over again
Ideas create stories. It can be anything. I remember when I was twelve years old and I saw a dog pooping, immediately I got an idea. I called the story “The Dog and the Doggah.” This was a short story that features a dog and a bone coming to life and it was the dog’s best friend. Doggah always wanted to do crazy stuff and the dog would always agree with Doggah but in fact, he was just following the bone because he loved bone.
Well, I wrote the story but I didn’t get any credit for it because a girl stole my story and even though my name was written on it they gave her the prize. Prejudice it was but that didn’t stop me from writing because only I know the full story. She didn’t even know how I started it.
Whenever you are starting a story just write something and then build on it. For example:
I am tired of writing because my fingers hurt. I went to work today and when I reach home there was nothing to eat and payday was next week. That is your starting point. Now we are going to stop this story where it is. These writing tips will be effective when you become more confident.
How to stop a story? We just stopped the story and now we are going to leave it there. Now we are going to start it over. One of the best parts of creating a story is starting over the same story and making it totally different. If someone were to steal your story then only you know how to make it better. Only you know what will happen next.
That’s is why I am sharing these writing tips with you because I want you to be a better writer. The best education is the one you learn on your own as an individual through your experience. This is high-quality information that I am giving you for free with no strings attached. Let’s continue.
Let’s rewrite the previous story in four different ways. Remember that we have written the sample already [the starting point]. I am tired of writing because my fingers hurt. I went to work today and when I reach home there was nothing to eat and payday was next week.
Re-writing the sample
My fingers were covered in blood when I woke up. It hurts–my fingers. I didn’t know what happen. All I remember was coming from work and payday was supposed to be next week. I don’t remember what happened. What have I done? She was lifeless on the ground and I was covered in her blood.
Re-writing the sample "The [2nd] Second approach"
I just finished typing and my fingers were tired and that was when it happened. I saw the reflection of a paled girl on my laptop screen. She had no eyes and she was reaching for me. I turned around but no one was there. Probably it’s me–I am just tired that’s all. I have so many bills to pay and writing is all that I do. I can’t wait until payday comes to get the pressure off of me because I am starting to see things that aren’t there.
Re-writing the sample "The third [3rd] approach"
She touched my tired fingers while she reached for her coffee. Her breasts rubbed against my face slowly–they felt so soft. I kissed her neck as she took up the coffee. My aching desires were craving her soft pleasurable touch. Even though payday was next week I feel like I was being paid today with love. Her cherry lips pressed against my lips and slowly she started licking my face.
Re-writing the sample "The fourth [4th] approach"
Being an author is so freaking lame sometimes no wonder my husband left. He was such a jerk. I reached home about an hour ago and I was tired. I am tired of myself and my damn books. I never get to have some fun. Payday day is next week and I can’t wait to get drunk.
What we did was build on our silly idea that we just simply write in four different ways. At this point, you will start to see the potential of the story and how to build on it with the flow in which you want it to be.
The Development Phase
This is the phase that most authors tend to have a bit of a problem with. This is the stage that determines the length of the story that they are going to write. How many chapters, what am I going to write about, and so forth. Well, don’t worry about that. All you have to do is write until you know when it is the end. If it is short leave it as it is. It is your story. Let me give you some pointers many people will not tell you or maybe they don’t even know.
he died
As you can see above I have written four things that I am going to write about. Let us start. Tom and Jerry are the characters. We can write that Tom made Jerry die or whatever. Read the example below of progressive writing tips. I am going to combine the samples into an introductory story.
The Introductory Story "Example"
Tom was just coming from work. He entered his apartment, changed his clothes, and ate something as he was tired and hungry. Jerry was just waking up. She was his wife. She asked him where he was coming from and he didn’t answer. Tom had a bad day at work and he owed one month on the rent. Jerry started arguing because she knew that Tom was being insecure with his money. She paid the rent the month before and this was his month to pay and he didn’t have any money.
Tom became agitated and tried to walk away but Jerry would let him. Jerry pushed Tom and Tom shoved Jerry. Jerry’s head hit the kitchen counter and started bleeding. Tom couldn’t believe what he did. He held her and started crying and the next thing he knew he woke up with his hands covered in blood. His wife was lifeless on the ground.
As you can see I started with the first starting point of the story ‘his fingers were covered in blood’ then I developed it. You can also develop your stories with these writing tips I have written about. I know you have learned something.
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