Mothers day | For my mom short story

The fiction short story "For my mom" is about a disabled boy who had been confined to a wheelchair for two years. He became cripple because of a tragic accident. His name is John. This short story is written by Jsovirall as a tribute to mothers for mothers day and acts as an inspirational message and an uplifting walk of parenting. Mothers defy the laws of science with their passion for parenting. Mothers are to be cherished. They are the pioneers of hardship and determination. 

The story: For my mom

Mothers day is coming soon and I want to tell my mom that she is the best ever. Recently, I have been trying to get my head in the game but I am emotional because I cannot walk. I just can't help myself. I know that she is hurting whenever she looks at me. If it wasn't for that drunk driver I wouldn't be like this today. I would be fine but it is what it is. I love my mom but sometimes I don't know how to tell her. I have been acting very rude lately and I hate myself because of that. All she is doing is trying to help me.

Dad left her. I don't even know where he is but mom still stays around. Every time she is around me she cries. I don't want her to cry but I can't help it. I just can't do anything about it.

Now, I think that life has become my main enemy and sometimes I want to tell people that I am not a human because I feel like an alien. I want my mom to be proud of me but I don't think she is. Personally, I know she is but from my perspective, the world can be very harsh. She is afraid to leave me but dad wasn't. He just left when he found out that I was a cripple. I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be this way. It just happened. I just have to live with it. I wish I could see dad again. I wish mom and dad were back together. I just wish everything was different. How do I get out of this mindset that I have? How do I get a job? For the two years, I have been crippled my mom has never had a proper meal. She works three jobs to make sure that I am okay. She hires a nurse to take care of me then she fires her because she was one hour late. She told the nurse that I could die in one hour. The nurse was late because she had an accident but mom was harsh on her. The nurse cried. I was upset with my mom because of that.

The same day she fired the nurse she became upset because of the simple things I said. She broke a few plates in the kitchen. She was in tears because she was emotionally stressed. Bam! Bam! She pounded the kitchen counter as I stared at her from my wheelchair.

"Why? You could have at least come and say hi to your son. Instead, you had to have another one. You don't even care about your first child. I can't believe I use to share the same bed with you. I can't believe I loved you." My mom said as she cried. It was the first time I saw her cried like that. I wanted to walk but I couldn't. I came out of the wheelchair and crawled towards her. I hugged her legs in tears.

"Mom, everything is going to be okay when I am dead. I don't want to live like this anymore. I am pressuring you. I am sorry, mom. Mom, please don't cry."

"John, don't talk like that," she sat on the floor and embraced me, "I love you more than anything in this world. I love John. If you die how do you expect me to continue to live? I am going to be even more hurt. I can't watch my child die. I have watched your father left. I can't watch you die. If that happens I am going to die too. I am going to do everything that I can to make sure that you are okay."

"But mom, what if I die? Will dad come to my funeral?"

"Please stop talking like that. you are making me cry more. Please stop. You are hurting me. I love you too much to watch you die."

"Okay, I am sorry. I just wish that dad would look for me."

"Me too. He was a good man but people change. I don't know how long I am going to do this but I will do it as long as I live. All I have is you."

"Me too mom," I responded. She kissed my forehead. 

As the days went by my mother continue to work hard. I am going to surprise her for Mother's Day. Today is Mother's Day but she isn't home yet so I am going to do some decoration even though I can't walk. I am going to make the effort just like my mom did. I am going to push harder. If I have to crawl that is what I am going to do. I made a Mother’s Day decoration. It took me four hours but I did it. I have already written a speech for her. I bathe myself for the first time. It was hard but I did it. I almost drown in the bathtub.

Finally, my mother reached home. She was exhausted and tired. As she opened the door she saw me staring at her from the living room. She gave me a surprised look. She saw the decorations.

"Did you do this yourself?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I did."

"You just made my day, John. It looks amazing."

"Thank you, mom. Happy mother's day. Come and give me a hug." I said. She did and now it was time to read my speech entitled “For my Mom.”

The speech: For my mom

Mom, I have written a speech for you. I have taken 2 hours to write this speech. I don't know if it is good but I just want to try like how you have been trying. I know I told myself that I wasn't going to cry but I can't help it. I just can't help it. Mom, I know that dad doesn't like me because I am disabled. I just wish things could have been different.

Mom, I am sorry that you have to struggle so hard to take care of me. Mom, I love you from the bottom of my heart but sometimes I think I am the one that is the big problem in your life.

I wish I wasn't born. I am being honest, mom. I am tired of living. I can't play, I can't walk, I just can't do anything but you keep encouraging me. I know what I am mom. Every day I pray for God to bring me home. I know you said that you don't want to watch me die but if you die, mom. I am going to suffer, that's the truth. I am afraid that you are going to die because you are working too much. You hardly sleep. You hardly eat. You are just working like a robot.

I am afraid because if you die on me. I am going to sleep in a bathtub of water. I swear to god mom. Happy mother's day. This is the speech that I wrote.

I cried so hard that my shirt was wet. I couldn't help it. My mother embraced me in tears. She said she loved my speech. If you are a mother. I just want to say happy mothers day to all of you. Sometimes as children, we cannot live without the love of our mothers and the same goes for fathers. 

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