What is the most difficult thing about writing

This is going to sound like irony because it is the truth. The most difficult thing about writing is writing. Yes, it is. Writing is difficult because we have to build our confidence level and patient doing it. While it is easy to read writing is proven to be not so easy for many people. A great example of writing effort would be writing a novel. How many people would have the courage to sit patiently and write a 200-400 page book? Not so many people. Do you know what is the worse thing about writing a novel is? After you have spent six to nine months writing a novel you have to proofread it. Your novel becomes a headache. You have to read your novel multiple times. Some people pay proofreaders but they still have to read it. It is just the way it is.

As an author, when people ask me what is the most difficult thing about writing.  I always respond and say “writing” and they seem to always laugh. Many times grammatical errors add laughter to our ebooks and we don't even know. I remember one time I was doing ads. I wrote, “click me to find out more”. I was very sure that was the case but when I check my ads. I had "Clit me to find out more." Many people clicked on the ads. I honestly made a mistake and didn't even know. The chances of me using click me would have resulted in less traffic but the misspelled word gave me a lot of traffic. I couldn't believe it. I laughed so hard. A silly mistake resulted in an overflow of traffic. Sometimes things like that happened. You won’t even know the mistake that you are making sometimes. 

Writing is hard because you have to think about many things, grammar, punctuations, misspelled words, re-reading, proofreading and so many other things.  Writing is a task best done every day. The most difficult part of writing is writing and that is the answer. 

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